This is a blog that I am starting for several purposes:

  1. I want to be able to give more information about developments in my life regarding the Czech Republic that I cannot fit into a support letter that I mail out.
  2. I hope to inform you more about the Czech Republic in regards to its history and culture.
  3. I want to expand your view of overseas missions in general and clear up some misconceptions about missions and missionaries.

I am very excited about this opportunity to share such a large part of my passion with all of you! While my long-term goal is to do ministry in the Czech Republic to Czechs, I also hope that I can minister to you all in some way through my communication. I believe that it is very important for the church to be globally minded. While most believers may never go abroad for long-term missions, there is still a lot of value in understanding the global church. It helps us see that there is more than our small mindset.
I hope to be making posts about twice a month on here that advance my goals as previously stated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at